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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Manual Chapters

The NIH Policy Manual provides NIH staff with a central location to easily find NIH-wide policy. It is an official mechanism for issuing NIH-wide policy and is comprised of individual chapters, commonly referred to as Manual Chapters.


NIH Policy Manual​

The OD Office of Management Assessment (OMA) has responsibility to maintain the NIH Policy Manual repository and official records, support the policy issuing office (IO) with developing, revising, or rescinding chapters, coordinate the formal review and vetting process, and notify the NIH community through the NIH LISTSERV.

The NIH Policy Manual is an official mechanism of issuing NIH-wide policy and all Manual Chapter (MC) issuances are accessible via the NIH Policy Manual system, located at

Questions about a specific Chapter of the NIH Policy Manual
Issuing Offices (IOs) are responsible for writing new, and revising or rescinding existing chapters that fall within their functional area of responsibility. The IO is listed at the top of every Manual Chapter and normally includes a phone number.  If a number is not listed or you would like a point of contact identified for the IO, you may check the IC/OD Manual Chapter Coordinator (MCC) list​ or contact OMA for help.

How to Submit Manual Chapters
The OMA issued NIH Policy Manual, Chapter 1710, Publishing and Maintaining Policies in the NIH Policy Manual, in order to ​establish the requirements for preparing, reviewing, approving, and publishing Manual Chapters and clarify roles and responsibilities for publishing and maintaining these policies.  Please contact the NIH Policy Manual program at (301) 496-4606 or, if you have any additional questions or comments.


To receive notification of future changes to Chapters of the NIH Policy Manual, please go to the NIH LISTSERV web page and subscribe to the list entitled NIH-MANUAL-CHAPTERS.  


Additional ​Reference​​

IC/OD Manual Chapter Coordinators
Manual Chapter Useful Links and Additional Policy Resources​
Manual Chapters Laws, Policies, and Memoranda
NIH Executive Secretariat Writing and Style Overview​​
NIH Policy Manual System​​

Contacting Policy Manual​

Policy Directives Officer and Program Lead, LeRoy “Scott” Sloper

Management Operations Branch (MOB)

Chief, Pamala Cery

Division of Compliance Management (DCM)

Office of Management Assessment (OMA)

Office of Management (OM)

Office of the Director (OD)

6705 Rockledge Dr, Suite 601

Bethesda, MD 20892

Phone:(301) 496-4606

Last modified: 2/21/2023 10:06 AM